Direction to solve:

In this type of questions, a few groups of numbers/symbols, each coding a certain message, are given. Through a comparison of the given coded messages, taking two at a time, the candidate is required to find the number/symbol code for each word and then formulate the code for the given message.


In a certain coding system,'816321' means 'the brown dog frightened the cat'; '64851'means 'the frightened cat ran awa1y';'7621'means 'the cat was brown'; '341'means 'the dog ran'

A) 5438

B) 8263

C) 8731

D) None of these


In a certain code language, '134' means 'good and tasty','478' means 'see good pictures' and '729' means 'pictures are faint'. which of the following digits stands for 'see'?

A) 9

B) 2

C) 1

D) 8


In a certain code language, '253' means 'books are old' , '546'means 'man is old' and '378' means 'buy good books'. What stands for 'are' in that code?

A) 2

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

E) 9


In A certain code language, '234' means 'spark and fire', '456' means 'spork is cause' and '258' means 'fire is effect'. Which of the following numerals is used for 'cause'?

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6


In a certain code, '786' means 'study very hard', '958' means 'hard work pays' and '645' means  'study and work'. which of the following is the code for 'very'?

A) 8

B) 6

C) 7

D) cannot be determined

E) None of these
