Option C
In the first statement, the code digit '1', as well as the word 'the' occurs twice. So, '1' is the code for 'the'.
In the first and fourth statements, the common code digits are'1' and'3', and the common words are 'the' and 'dog'. Since '1' stands for 'the', so '3' is the code for 'dog'.
Thus, in the fourth statement, '4' is the code for 'ran'. In the second and third statements, the common code digits are '1' and '6' and the common words are 'the' and 'cat'.
Since '1' stands for 'the', so '6' is the code 'cat'.
In the first and third statements, the common code digits are'1', '6' and '2' and the common words are 'the','brown' and 'cat'. Since '1'and '6' stand for 'the' and 'cat' respectively, so '2' is the code for 'brown'. Thus, in the third statement,'7'is the code for 'was'. In the first and second statements, the common code digits are '1', '6' and '8' and the common words are 'the' ,'cat' and 'frightened'. Since '1' and '6' stand for 'the' and 'cat' respectively, so '8' is the code for 'frightened'. Thus, in the second statement, '5' is the code for 'away'.